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about Karen Barrett...

Offering professional writing services on a freelance basis, I bring broad experience in writing and editing across a range of industry settings and applications. This is underpinned by university studies in professional writing and communication.

In fact, much of my previous employment has been in the education sector, including two leading Australian universities. 


There are a few things you should know about me:

I am a bit of a grammar nerd at heart. I am passionate about creating corporate communications which people actually want to read (including the annual report), and I understand the value of a well-told story.

More importantly, I know it's not about me.

My writing is tailored to your brief and your corporate voice.



I offer a range of services with

flexible estimate and delivery options. 

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Cover Letters

  • Speeches

  • Presentations

  • Correspondence

  • Invitations

  • Family stories

  • Eulogy assistance

  • Newsletters - articles and editorials

  • Blogs

  • Long or short form content for web or print

  • Copy for print marketing collateral/web/social media

  • EDM copy

  • Annual Reports

  • Short Reports

  • Policy Documents

  • Operations Manuals

  • Grant Applications

  • Award Applications

  • Speeches

  • Presentations

  • Correspondence

  • Articles

  • Reviews

  • Short stories

  • Creative non-fiction

All services are available as write, sub-edit, and/or edit options.


Work is generally completed on a remote/freelance basis. However face-to-face meetings or work-on-site arrangements in the Illawarra Region or Sydney may be facilitated if required, subject to availability.  

Work may be quoted and charged according to your preference:

Old-Fashioned Clock
Word Collage

Hourly rate

Fee for service

Per word rate



An integral part of any writer’s web-page is the inclusion of a portfolio.

My experience in writing, proofing and sub-editing for business is broad and extensive, encompassing everything from sensitive correspondence to reports, policy documents, content and copy, manuals, presentations and successful grant applications.

However, as a newly established freelancer, much of the work I have produced in the past has been of a confidential or sensitive nature and/or is held by previous employers who value their intellectual property.  

So, how to build a portfolio…?

Well, here's an offer I hope you can't refuse:

For a very limited time, I am offering a range of professional writing and editing services at reduced rates to those who are willing to consent to the material also being used here as examples of my work.

Please get in touch and take advantage of this very limited offer!

...and watch this space for more examples of what I can produce for you or your organisation!



Please direct queries and requests for quotations to Karen Barrett


phone: 0412 656 517

Based in the Illawarra region of NSW, Australia

ABN: 65968716188

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